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McCabe-Thiele Column Simulator
Calculates the alcohol strengths and temperatures in a column using the McCabe-Thiele method and displays them graphically.

This is a practical implementation of the McCabe-Thiele method. However, it is now obsolete due to our new column simulator, which uses a different method.
The color code for the column is: black for 0%abv, red for 50%abv, yellow for 75%abv, green for 90%abv and blue for 100%abv.
Atmospheric pressures between 75 and 10000 hPa can be calculated. The consideration of the atmospheric pressure has a substantial influence on the result. If nothing is entered, the calculator assumes the local atmospheric pressure 1013.25 hPa.
Since almost no one has an absolutely accurate indicating thermometer, an additional "thermometer error" can be specified. This can be determined with the help of the calculator Thermometer Error. The temperatures calculated here are then those displayed on this thermometer, not the real ones.

Information about our boiling point data and about the influence of atmospheric pressure

The other McCabe-Thiele pages:

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